Where did your Diamond Engagement Ring come from?

Where did your Diamond Engagement Ring come from?

Not only does a diamond engagement orb own a unique and mesmerising beauty, but how it came to exist is an equally incredible story.

Where did your Diamond Engagement Ring come from?

Where did your Diamond Engagement Ring come from?

You can find yourself admiring the catchy beauty and unique coruscate of your diamond occupation ring, but do you actually comprehend what a diamond is and the enthusiasm trek it had to make before it found its procedure onto your finger?

Everyone knows diamonds are hard, but diamonds are actually the oldest, hardest, purest and most noted forms of carbon Carbon is one of the most normal elements in the totality and the hindmost most plentiful angle by mass in the human article after oxygen However, unbiased because carbon itself is common, this does not mean that diamonds are. It is difficult to imagine, but your diamond duty round actually started out billions of years ago as a piece of carbon buried miles underneath the surface of the earth. It takes centuries for diamonds to form, so theres a profit ensue that the diamond task globe sitting on your finger is actually billions of years old

While technically any carbon can become a diamond, whether from organic or non-organic sources, it is actually no attainable venture as the process requires very specific conditions The carbon needs to be exposed to uncommonly lofty pressure but at a comparatively low temperature span Such contradicting conditions are found in only two places on Earth: deep below the surface, underneath stable parts of the continental shelf, and at the site of meteorite strikes

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However, for us to be able to find them, diamonds must then be delivered up to the earths surface. This is done by flowing lava from depths up to three to four times greater than usual volcanoes; as a result, such magma flows are fully irregular another inducement for the dearth of diamonds When they do befall and the magma cools, a rock formation called kimberlite or lamproite is left late This is one of the first markers of a diamond deposit for miners searching for diamonds.

Kimberlite, however, doesnt guarantee the presence of diamonds; it plainly indicates that volcanic task came from a place deep enough to contain diamonds Diamonds can also be found in more places, particularly as ancient icy movements may own moved the diamonds from where they originally surfaced Of all the diamonds that are mined, only half are of stone quality, and even fewer are high enough to be rancid into a diamond engagement ring. So, you can desist sanguine that not only has your diamond occupation ball undergone an incredible and crave journey, it is one in a million